Tentang D-DART


D-DART is the abbreviation of the Diponegoro Disaster Assistance Response Team. D-DART is one of the projects of Diponegoro University Canter for Research and Community Service or LPPM.

D-DART Undip (= Diponegoro Disaster Response Team) is the education channel in responding to the disaster, event, or epidemic occurrences. The team members consist of Faculty, administration Staff, and students. We do hope that this channel would enrich the community’s understanding of the problem and solution.

To respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, D-DART provides some assistance, such as producing nano-filter mask and face shields as well as purchasing the coverall clothing as personal protective equipment for the health care workers who treat the patients with COVID-19.

Moreover, D-DART initiated to disinfect the university area. Subsequently, D-DART works hand in hand with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) of Central Java to provide the mapping of COVID-19 cases, conducting surveillance for early detection on COVID-19 and creating the relevant educational contents via YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Dr. Achmad Zulfa Juniarto, M.Sc.Med, MMR, Sp.And. (K), Ph.D. is the chairman of D-DART 2020.

D-DART members consist of the faculty members and the students of Diponegoro University.

Secretariat : LPPM Undip

Call center: 082134500034

Email: ddart@live.undip.ac.id

Instagram: @haloddart

Fb page: Diponegoro Disaster Assistance Response Team

Youtube: D-Dart Creartive

Website: www.ddart.lppm.undip.ac.id

Tugas dari tim D-DART adalah menyusun kajian, mengkoordinasikan, dan melaksanakan kegiatan penanggulangan bencana di bawah koordinasi Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro (LPPM UNDIP).


Penanggung Jawab : Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum.
1. Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol. Admin., Ph.D.
2. Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Heru Susanto, S.T., M.M, M.T.
3. Dr. Darsono, S.E., Akt., MBA.
4. Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc.
5. Prof. Dr. Jamari, S.T., M.T.
6. Prof. Dr. Rahayu, S.H., M.Hum.

Ketua Umum : dr. Achmad Zulfa Juniarto, M.Si.Med, MMR, Sp.And. (K), Ph.D.
Sekretaris Umum : Dr. Yusniar Hanani Darundiati, S.TP., M.Kes.
Sekretariat :
1. Dwi Cahyo Agus Setyawan, S.KM.
2. Mardi Sapto, S.E.
3. Bahari Azis
4. Mohamad Yamroni
Bendahara :
1. Rahmawan Prih Basuki, S.E., Akt. M.Si.
2. Supriyanto, S.E.
3. Ucik Idayati, S.Pt.

Ketua Unit : dr. Satrio Adi Wicaksono, Sp.An.
Wakil Ketua Unit: Ns. Henni Kusuma, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB.
Divisi Medis :
1. dr. Yetty Movieta Nency SpA (K) (Koordinator)
2. dr. Agus Priambodo, Sp.B., Sp.OT. (K)
3. dr. Mulyono, M.Si.Med, Sp.A.
Divisi Keperawatan :
1. Ns. Nana Rochana, S.Kep., MN (Koordinator)
2. Ns. Nur Hafizhah W., S.Kep., M.Kep.
3. Ns. Muhammad Mu’in, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom.
Divisi Kesehatan Masyarakat :
1.Dr. Drs. Suroto, M.PD. (Koordinator)
2.Nurhasmadiar Nandini, S.KM., M.Kes.
Divisi Logistik dan Sistem Informasi :
1. Dr. Aris Triwiyatno, S.T., M.T. (Koordinator)
2. Ir. Arif Hidayat, CES., M.T.

Ketua Unit :
Dr. Meidiana Dwidiyanti, S.Kp., M.Sc. Wakil Ketua Unit :
Lintang Dian Saraswati, S.KM., M.Epid.
Anggota :
1. Ika Riswanti Putranti, S.H., M.H., Ph.D.
2. Dr. Vivi Endar Herawati, S.Pi., M.Si.